II SACAT Video Contest: "Catalyzing the Future of..."

The Spanish Society of Catalysis (SECAT) presents the second edition of the scientific dissemination video contest "Catalyzing the Future of...", aimed at predoctoral research staff in training and partners. The purpose is to give visibility to the research work carried out in the different research groups that make up the Society. The aim is to bring the knowledge and scientific and technological advances of their research in the field of catalysis and its importance in the future of various sectors (energy, environment, materials, etc.) closer to the non-specialised public.
There will be 3 prizes: the first of 500€ and two of 250€ to finalists. The winners will receive a certificate/diploma accrediting them. Likewise, all participants will receive a certificate of participation and recognition.
- All people who, at the time of registration, are working on their doctoral thesis and are members of SECAT, may participate.
- Only one video per person can participate.
- Participation will require completing the Web form. It will include personal data, a brief description of the proposal, a statement of responsibility, acceptance of the rules and links to download the video.
- The description of the content of the video must include the details of the use made, if applicable, of Artificial Intelligence tools or similar.
- Video features:
1. Topic related to a catalysis research topic.
2. Maximum duration of 3 minutes.
3. It will include an institutional entrance and closing, with the SACAT logo.
4. English or Spanish language, including subtitles.
5. Unpublished, original and without offensive content.
6. Landscape orientation.
7. Formats: mp4, mpeg, avi.
- Deadline: from the publication of this call on the SECAT website until the March 18, 2025.
- In all cases related to information privacy, SECAT is not responsible for any infringements that may be incurred by the participants in the contest.
- By sending the video to participate, through the indicated means, the contestant cedes the rights of exploitation, reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation of the same. The videos can be viewed in educational centers and disseminated through SECAT's institutional social networks, both within the framework of the dissemination of the contest and later in other events.
- Deadline: from the publication of this call on the SECAT website until the March 18, 2025.
- Inscription: by the deadline [March 18, 2025], by submitting the Complete form (including responsible declaration, acceptance of conditions, and download links of the video that is submitted to the contest). *
- Remedies: fifteen calendar days, after publication on the SECAT website of the list of admitted persons, to correct errors in the registration process by those excluded.
- Diffusion: the viewing of the participating videos will be enabled through the Website [SECAT's Youtube channel: @SECAT-1997] for a two-month dissemination period. The diffusion achieved by each one will be quantified according to their number of views.
- Assessment: the SECAT Governing Board will constitute a committee (the composition of which will be made public) that will evaluate and score the videos taking into account the following criteria:
1. Comprehension and communicative skills:
– Clarity of exposition
– Explanation of the relevance of the research, results and conclusions.
– Simple language, for non-specialist audiences, and explanation of scientific terminology.
– Consistency of content and use of images.
– Logical narrative sequence.
– High sound quality and clear voice-over, alternating variety and rhythms of voices.
2. Impact:
– Degree of diffusion achieved
– Originality, creativity of the resources used and of the presentation.
– Ability to capture and hold the attention of the audience.
The judging committee reserves the right to exclude from the competition videos that could be sexist, racist or offensive.
In the event of a conflict of interest due to a direct family or academic relationship, the person on the committee concerned will recuse himself or herself from this assessment, and the assessments of the rest of the members of the committee will be weighted.
- Failure: SECAT will publish the list of the three winners on the contest website and on social networks. The awards ceremony will be held to coincide with the celebration of the 2025 General Assembly, coinciding with the SECAT'2025 Congress that will take place in Alcalá de Henares in June.
In the event of a low turnout or due to a decision by the evaluation committee, prizes may be declared void.
* If only files in graphics format (jpeg, png, …), se podrá enviar documentación complementaria (p.ej., ficheros pdf) to the address: secretaria@secat.es
Authorship and intellectual property rights
The participants will guarantee that they are the legitimate authors of the videos presented, that they hold the intellectual property rights of all their elements (images, sound, soundtracks, etc.), and that the presentation of the same does not violate the rights of third parties.
It is not permitted to use materials subject to intellectual property rights unless express permission has been obtained from the owners. The authors of the video are responsible for the images, information and content included in the video, as well as their impacts.
Likewise, the participants are responsible for any claims that may be made at any time about the authorship and originality of the works and about the ownership of the rights, all in accordance with current intellectual property regulations.
The organizers of the contest are not responsible for any damages that may be caused by non-compliance with the aforementioned provision, and may exercise the appropriate legal actions with a view to repairing the damages caused to them.
The organisers may exercise, worldwide and for the maximum period permitted by law, the rights of public communication, distribution and reproduction, always mentioning the authorship and without any economic consideration, of the participating videos, regardless of whether or not they are selected, for the promotion of the contest itself as well as other activities of the Company carried out in compliance with its general objectives. including the transfer to the media and dissemination.
Conditions of participation
Participation in this competition implies full acceptance of these rules and agreement with the decisions of the evaluation committee.
Registration and participation in the competition entails the implicit and full acceptance of the rules of the competition and their compliance with the legislation in force in Spain in terms of taxation, industrial and intellectual property laws and personal data protection.
Any inappropriate conduct with respect to the rules established in this call may lead to the cancellation of participation in the contest. In particular, the use of tools that modify or adulterate the viewing statistics of the videos presented and uploaded to the website will be taken into account.
Data protection
The personal data that are published will be used both for the purposes provided for in the selection processes of applicants and in the adaptation process, being subject to the regulation established in Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights. The SECAT secretariat will be responsible for this file and the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised before it.
However, SECAT reserves the right to make, at any time and without prior notice, the necessary corrections and updates to the information contained on its page, modifications in its configuration or presentation, as well as the cancellation of personal data that are no longer necessary or pertinent for the purpose for which they were collected or registered.