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SECAT Congresses

The Spanish Society of Catalysis (SECAT) It organises a biennial congress that coincides with odd-numbered years, during which the different National research groups working on catalysis present their most recent work and results in the oral or poster modality.

Guests at the congress are invited to Researchers of recognized national and international prestige, both Spanish and from outside our borders, presenting relevant works of general interest to all participants in Invited Conferences or Keynotes. Specifically, the Keynotes are given by young researchers who have won the SECAT Thesis Awards in catalysis in the calls resolved since the previous SECAT Meeting. In recent years, participation has transcended the national level, and the presence of international research groups has broadened the horizon and visibility of the meeting.

The first of these congresses as the Spanish Society of Catalysis was held in Jaca (Huesca) in 1997 and since then they have been held uninterruptedly. Each meeting has a logo and a specific theme. The High participation of young researchers led the Society to promote the celebration of a biennial congress dedicated and organized by the youngest members, newcomers to the world of catalysis or working on their Doctoral Theses, thus giving rise to the Meetings of Young Researchers in Catalysis. The first of these was held in Malaga in 2014 and they have also been held uninterruptedly every even-numbered year, with a high participation.