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SECAT-News-Congresses-XXV CICAT-Montevideo 2016

XXV CICAT-Montevideo 2016

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XXV CICAT- Montevideo September 18 to 23, 2016.The Ibero-American Federation of Catalysis Societies (FISoCat) and the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of the Republic (Udelar) are pleased to invite you to the XXV Ibero-American Congress of Catalysis to be held in the city of Montevideo from September 18 to 23, 2016. Within the framework of the congress, between September 15 and 17, the Ibero-American School of Catalysis EICat 2016 will take place. We hope to have your presence and that you have the opportunity to know and enjoy what our country can offer through its landscape, its culture and its gastronomy.