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Fallecimiento Prof. Pio FORZATTI

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Con mucho pesar comunicamos el fallecimiento de nuestro querido amigo, colega y profesor Pio Forzatti hoy martes 13 de julio de 2021.

Nuestro más sentido pésame a familiares y amigos

Our condolences to family and friends

Pio Forzatti was a collaborator and personal friend of many of us, his human qualities were exceptional and he was able to earn the respect of all of us who were lucky enough to know him and work alongside him.

See you soon!!!

Pio was born in Monza, near Milano, in the laborious Brianza area (and this might have had some effects on his personality…) on November 16, 1947. He graduated with honours in Chemical Engineering in 1971 at Politecnico di Milano, where since 1986 he has been Full Professor of Chemical Technology.

In 1998 he was appointed Chairman of the Department of Chimica Industriale e Ingegneria Chimica “G. Natta” (1998–2000), and in 2007 member of the Governing Board (Senato Accademico) of Politecnico di Milano.

Following the historical tradition of catalysis at Politecnico, he founded the “Laboratory of Catalysis and Catalytic Processes” (LCCP), which he has headed for over 30 years, eventually grouping more than 10 academic staff members.

All his very active scientific career has been devoted to the study of heterogeneous catalysis and chemical reaction engineering, his ultimate goals being the elucidation of reactivity–structure relationship and a comprehensive understanding of the catalyst processes, viewed as driving forces for the development of modern catalysts and reactors. He has adopted a multidisciplinary approach where chemical aspects related to catalyst preparation have been investigated along with detailed chemico-physical characterizations of the catalyst, mechanistic studies of the reactions, kinetic analysis and reactor modeling. For some of these processes his comprehensive research approach has led Pio to address also aspects associated with extrusion of ceramic structured catalysts and coating of structured supports.

Pio has authored or co-authored more than 250 papers published in international journals, as well as 20 patents. He has served and is currently serving as member of the Editorial Board of several scientific journals related to Catalysis and Chemical Reaction Engineering (Applied Catalysis, Chemical Engineering Journal, Topics in Catalysis and Catalysis Letter). He is also member of the Working Party on Chemical Reaction Engineering of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering.

Being married with Valeria, who has provided him with care, understanding and support during the decades of their happy life together, he has grown-up two children, the biggest recognition and happiness.

Sus discípulos y amigos